Prospective Authors/Illustrators
Have you ever desired to be a published author, or are you an already published author looking for a new publishing house? Then Relevant Publishers LLC might be the right partner for you.
Our Process:
Relevant Publishers LLC accepts manuscripts ideas via an online process. After our editor reviews your inquiry form, if we are interested in pursuing the book project further, we will contact you. We may send you a Right To Read Agreement, which allows our company the opportunity to exclusively review your manuscript while still protecting all your rights. Your manuscript and name will be kept confidential during the review process. If during the Right To Read period we believe your manuscript will be a good fit for our vision, we will offer you a formal Publishing Agreement. The average length from submission to publication can vary depending on editing, but usually publication occurs within 24-30 months.
At times, Relevant Publishers has specific book projects we are seeking and calls for open submissions in those areas will be given preference in the selection process.
Any author or illustrator is eligible to apply. Click Here to Inquire.
At times, Relevant Publishers has specific book projects we are seeking and calls for open submissions in those areas will be given preference in the selection process.
Any author or illustrator is eligible to apply. Click Here to Inquire.
What New Authors Need to Know:
Our publishing house was instituted to partner with authors and illustrators for success.
* Royalties may be lower than 30% initially depending on expense of interior illustrations, for example children's picture books.
- Relevant Publishers LLC offers a standard single author contract with increasing royalty payments as book sales increase
- We offer a significant discount for author copies of books and have no restrictions on the sale of author copies.
- We never require authors to purchase books from us.
- Relevant Publishers LLC performs book promotion & marketing but expects authors to put their time and resources into promoting their own titles as well.
- Royalty payments are paid quarterly.
* Royalties may be lower than 30% initially depending on expense of interior illustrations, for example children's picture books.
Call for Open Submissions
We are accepting manuscripts in many genres including a variety of fiction, children's literature, YA, mystery,
romance, history, speculative fiction, Sci-Fi, fantasy, Christian nonfiction and fiction, creative nonfiction, and memoir.
romance, history, speculative fiction, Sci-Fi, fantasy, Christian nonfiction and fiction, creative nonfiction, and memoir.
We do NOT accept manuscripts from the following genres: erotica, horror, new age, occult, or witchcraft.