Faith Under Attack
by Lawrence E. Mukoro
by Lawrence E. Mukoro
The attacks of delays, disappointments and failures are some of Satan’s most powerful weapons against the faith of Christians. They are strongholds of his warfare and inevitable in every Christian’s life. While that doesn’t sound encouraging at first, Christians can learn to overcome these attacks instead of being defeated by them. Thankfully, God has a lot to say regarding the tactics of Satan and the practical steps to our victory.
God causes all things including delays, disappointments and failures to work for our good. Satan’s attacks are God’s blessings in disguise! While this truth might seem like an oxymoron, the fact is God uses the weapons of the enemy to bring about good in our lives. Learning to trust God despite the seeming setbacks are at the very heart of God’s plan for your life. The pursuit of patience was the primary virtue working with faith in the lives of the Biblical patriarchs. Discover how these men and women of God learned the importance of being patient through their trials as part of the refining of their faith. Seasons of waiting are continually repeated in the Bible and often misunderstood as a tactic of Satan. However, seasons of waiting are a vital part of the timing of God’s overall plan for your life. God never leaves us alone to face the enemy. Instead, He imparts grace through patience and fortifies our faith, causing us to triumph over the enemy at the appointed time. Instead of feeling worried, anxious, troubled, overwhelmed or defeated by circumstances, Christians can chose to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others by learning to apply the Biblical principles shared in Faith Under Attack. You will be empowered to remain undisturbed and cheerfully hopeful in midst of any troubling situation. God’s principles embedded in this book are the watermarks of our faith and can equip you to break out of the cycles of delay, disappointment and failure. |