Christian Shane is the author of an incredible new Middle Grades novel coming soon by Relevant Publishers LLC titled Salmon Survivor, encouraging youth who are struggling with loss through hope, new experiences, and the parallels life cycles of salmon offer to people.
This gripping new novel is targeted for ages 8 to 12; grades 4 through 7.
Christian Shane
Christian A. Shane, a Middle School Life Science teacher in Pittsburgh, PA, is also an avid fly fisherman, fly tier, and outdoor writer. His writing has been featured in PA Angler & Boater Magazine, The Drake, Fly Culture, Montana Fly Fishing Magazine, PA Outdoor News, and the Kype Magazine. For over 25 years, he has enjoyed teaching young people from Second through Seventh Grade.
Growing up and residing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Christian is a huge Steelers, Penguins and Pirates sport’s fan of the Black-n-Gold. He lives in the 'Burgh with his wife, Megan, two children, black lab named Ketch, three geckos (named Pepperoni, Mushroom, and Trout), and Jabba the turtle. He enjoys fly fishing, fly tying, kayaking, hiking, biking, and playing cards with his kiddos.
For fifteen years, Mr. Shane and his students have raised Brook and Rainbow Trout through TU’s Trout in the Classroom project. In the 55-gallon classroom aquarium, they’ve observed the life cycle of trout growing from eggs to alevins to fry to fingerlings. By spring, Mr. Shane, his students, and their families release them into the wild during the annual “Trout Release.”
Christian began his passion for writing by jotting down his fishing experiences in a journal. By drawing pictures, checking the bug life, and taking water temperatures, he documented the conditions that each day brought on the water and tied fly patterns to match the creatures which fish trout, salmon, steelhead, bass, and bluegill love to eat. As Christian shares, “Each day on the water brings a unique experience, and I love trying to figure out the puzzle to catch fish.” This passion led to Christian writing more about his experiences through nonfiction articles and fun fictional accounts of his time spent with fishing friends and family. He not only fishes Pennsylvania but travels to Alaska, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, New York, Tennessee, and more states in search of epic adventures.
In 2008, Christian began writing his debut novel, Salmon Survivor,coming 2022 from Relevant Publishers LLC. Fascinated by Alaska and all it had to offer those who loved the outdoors, wildlife, and culture, he made many trips back to the Kenai Peninsula to visit friends and fly fish for salmon and trout. Still, catching all five salmon species in ONE SUMMER eludes him, and Christian hopes to catch the Salmon Slam sometime soon!